About me

My name is Jorg de Vos, and I have been working as a freelance coach for adults since 2020. I got in touch with coaching for the first time during my studies of Applied Psychology in 2013, and felt incredibly inspired by what I saw. This made me want to focus on coaching as a profession and I started to school myself in it through different educational programmes. To me coaching is about increasing insight into ourselves and the acceptance of ourselves, through which it becomes more clear what you need to achieve your desired goals.

Within coaching there are many methodologies and levels during the sessions which make it so that you will crystalize your needs. I enjoy this process a lot and am happy to contribute my part for your personal and professional growth.

Because I value professionalism in coaching I have joined – and got myself individually accredited by – the Dutch Order of Professional Coaches (NOBCO or ‘Nederlandse Orde voor Beroepscoaches’ in Dutch). In doing so I also keep in line with the International Code of Ethics, which is drafted by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC), in which is drafted how I will professionally handle topics such as integrity, professional and excellent conduct, contracting, (own) responsibilities and confidentiality. 

Next to my work as a coach I am also a trainer/educator for social and coaching skills. For this I am registered at the ‘Centraal Register Kort Beroepsonderwijs’ (CRKBO).

About the name

EOS god

By: Evelyn De Morgan (1895)

Concerning the name of the company, Eos Coaching & Training, it is nice to mention that it is named after the Greek goddess Eos. She was the embodiment of the sunrise and would dissipate the mists of the night with her light each morning. This metaphor to me is about shining the light within us to have a look around in all the dark corners and see what exactly keeps us from achieving our goals. We are all human after all, and we all have our blindspots and parts that we would rather hide from our view or senses. With the right kind of attention the connection with these parts of ourselves will become easier and will get us into a more wholesome connection with ourselves. An amazing process that is more than worth the effort we put into it! And just like how the sun rises each and every day, you too may be curious to yourselves. There is lots to be gained for you!